Set in prehistoric times at the beginning of the Ice Age, the films in the “Ice Age” franchise revolve around a core group of colorful and unique creatures that walked the Earth at that time. The vast, ice-covered landscape in which these extraordinary inhabitants reside is stunningly beautiful but filled with danger, and these mammals, both majestic and slothful, come together as a make-shift family to care for and protect one another.
One-half of the thrill-seeking twin brother possums, Eddie is a loud-mouth daredevil prankster. Crash is hyperactive and fond of extreme sports, and like his brother, worships Buck Wild. While they both helped raise Ellie, they are tired of always being told what to do, and want a place of their own.
An acorn-obsessed saber-tooth squirrel who constantly puts his life in danger to defend his beloved nuts! He invariably ends up in painful or humorous situations - being struck by lightning, pursued by avalanches, and repeatedly knocked unconscious while fighting for his acorn. Yet he never ever gives up!